Picture: MASA and MASE Board members John Thein, Linda Wintz and John Christianson discuss how MASE and MASA can work together.
Audioblog about the MASA Board meeting is 5 3/4minutes
Mia Urick, Communications Director reported on the conferences and workshops hosted by MASA this year
Mary Law, shared information on the status of the 'Great Start' series of workshops provided for new Superintendents. Today, the 5th in the series was held.
Board members reported on what members were discussing in each of the regions of the state. There continues to be significant concern about the Minneapolis Pension Fund and about the rate of 'turn over' among Superintendents.
The 2006-07 Preliminary Budget was shared. The revenues and expenditures for MASA are each just over $1 million annually. With a slight dues increase, MASA will have a 'close to' break even budget for next year.
Legal Support for members is a significant annual expenditure. So far this year MASA has provided legal support to 17 members. In addition, 3 members have been sued and are receiving support from the AASA Liability Insurance carrier.
Federal Advocacy trip to Washington, DC will occur on May 9-11. 9 MASA members will spend 3 days learning more of the mood in Washington and meeting with Minnesota's Congresspersons on issues relating to education.
The Directors Report included information on the new BRIDGES Program, Executive Coaching, Grants and the discussions just starting to look at the possibility of MASSP, MESPA and MASA sharing a new building.