This is a report to the members of the Minnesota Association of School Administrators (MASA) from Executive Director Charlie Kyte.
This podcast is 7 minutes long.
As I travel about the state, I here more and more people (without a connection to education) saying they are fearful that the Governor and Legislature are headed for a shipwreck. We have two bright and determined politicians in Gov Pawlenty and Senate Majority Leader Pogemiller. While they don't make all the decisions on their own, they have great influence in how the final result of the legislative session comes out.
By my estimates, there seems to be about an 80% chance or either a shipwreck that produces no settlement, or one side giving in completely. Neither of these outcomes would be good.
I see about a 20% chance that these two individuals, and the people around them, will rise to the level of statesmanship and find a mutually acceptable solution. From the perspective of K-12 Education, that solution would end the pro-ration of special education funding by the state, provide a reasonable amount of money for ongoing operations and allow some funding for a couple of breakthrough innovations for educating children.
We at MASA will continue to encourage all parties to rise to the statesman level and do what is right for the future of the state.
This Sunday, 9 of us from MASA will leave for Washington, DC to work on the re-authorization of ESEA/ NCLB. We will bring one MASA member from each congressional district and we have meetings with all of Minnesota's congresspersons, our two US Senators and officials at the US Department of Education.
In addition we will meet with Rep. Kildee of Michigan who heads the K-12 sub-committee of the US House Education and Workforce Committee. We will also meet with education committee staff members of both the House and Senate.