Producer Barry ZeVan posing with Mia Urick, MASA's Communication Director
Audioblog is 4 minutes long.
Every once in awhile, we come across a learning aid that looks really good and is very cost effective. A DVD entitled “AMERICAN INDIAN HOMELANDS”, and an accompanying Timeline Study Guide meets this criteria.
This 78 minute DVD highlights efforts to redress more than a century’s worth of legal and political moves undermining Indian land ownership going back to the 1887 General Allotment Act. It is appropriate for High School History and Political Science classes and would also work well for accelerated MS students. It would also be a good addition to school libraries.
This DVD is hosted by Sam Donaldson and was produced by Barry ZeVan. This is Barry’s 14th documentary, and ‘yes’, for those of you old enough to remember, Barry ZeVan was one of the early TV weathermen in Minnesota.
You can order the DVD and Study Guide from the Indian Land Tenure Foundation located at 151 E. Cty Rd B2, Little Canada, MN 55117 or you can get it at Borders Book Stores. You can also order it ‘on-line’ at If you mention that you are an MASA Associate, you will get the discounted price of $17.50 + $5.00 handling charge.
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