The Henton Headlines: June 1, 2023
The Henton Headlines: June 15, 2023

The Henton Headlines: June 8, 2023

June 8, 2023
Here’s the scoop for the week

Number of Superintendent Openings to Date:

There have been 46 superintendent openings for the upcoming school year. That is the lowest we've had since 2018.

MASA EdTalks!

MASA is proud to introduce MASA EdTalks! Formerly known as the MASA Master Classes,  This name change reflects our commitment to inclusivity and equity as we acknowledge the historical connotations of racism, slavery, and sexism associated with the term "master." The new name also represents a shift toward dialogue, collaborative learning, and active participation in our virtual learning experiences. Full information can be found in this week’s MASA eUpdate (look for the information box near the top)!

More on Unemployment Insurance:

Recently MASA, MASBO, and MASPA hosted a webinar with Unemployment Insurance Director Jim Hegman. Following the webinar Chris Hoehn,Coordinator of the Minnesota Association of School Personnel Administrators and State Negotiators shared the following that I also have permission to share with you.

Highlights of the Webinar:

    • Employers do not determine an employee's eligibility for unemployment benefits.  Inform employees that is the place to go if they have questions or want to apply.

    • Your offers for employment between terms should be specific to the individual and include duties, hours, rate of pay, and so on.  A sign-up sheet for summer work will not be sufficient. (See MSBA @ 21:27)


    • Individuals that have lost their job or had work hours reduced have the right to apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits at

Leadership Matters!


H: Humility

E: Excellence

A: Authentic

R: Reliable

T: Trust

- LollyDaskal

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Detailed information may be found at and the MASA Calendar

June Pride Month, National Safety Month
June 13 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
June 14 MASA EdTalks: Understanding State Aid: Equalization, Ag2School and more | 10 - 11 am | Virtual | Registration and full information!
June 19 Juneteenth
June 21 First Day of Summer
June 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 1 - 2:30 pm | Virtual
June 20 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 8 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
June 22-23 MASA & MASE Board Retreats
June 27 MASA EdTalks: Building a Team of Social Media Content Creators | 10 - 11 am | Virtual | Registration coming soon!
July 4 Independence Day
August 8 Save the date! MDE Back to School Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW, Brooklyn Park
October 8-10 MASA Fall Conference | DECC, Duluth, MN
February 15-17, 2024 AASA National Conference on Education | Registration and more info!
NEW DATES! March 14-15, 2024 MASA/MASE Spring Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW, Brooklyn Park 


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