The Henton Headlines: April 20, 2023
The Henton Headlines: May 4, 2023

The Henton Headlines: April 27, 2023

April 27, 2023
Here’s the scoop for the week

House Names Conferees:

Leadership for the House has named the representatives who will serve on the education conference committee. They are as follows:

  • House Education Finance Chair Representative Cheryl Youakim (D) 
  • House Education Finance Vice-Chair Mary Frances Clardy (D)
  • House Education Finance Policy Committee Chair Laurie Pryor (D)
  • House Education Finance Policy Committee Vice-Chair Representative Josiah Hill (D)
  • House Education Finance Committee Representative Ron Kresha (R)

The Senate had not named their conferees as of this writing.

The conference committee will reconcile the Senate Omnibus and House Omnibus bills into one bill which will then go to the floors of both houses for a vote. If successful, the bill will go to the governor for his consideration. 

Leadership Matters!

“Trust has two dimensions: competence and integrity. We can forgive mistakes of competence. Mistakes of integrity are harder to overcome.” - Simon Sinek

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Detailed information may be found at and the MASA Calendar


Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Military Appreciation Month, National Mental Health Awareness Month

May 1 School Principal's Day
May 1 MASA/MSHSL Executive Officer Meeting
May 5 School Lunch Hero Day
May 6 National Nurses Day
May 8-12 Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
May 12 School Communicators Day
May 16 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 7 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
May 25 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
June 13 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
June 14 MASA Master Class: Understanding State Aid: Equalization, Ag2School and more | 10 - 11 am | Virtual | Registration coming soon!
June 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 1 - 2:30 pm | Virtual
June 20 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 8 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
August 8 Save the date! MDE Back to School Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW, Brooklyn Park
October 8-10 MASA Fall Conference | DECC, Duluth, MN


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