The Henton Headlines: April 13, 2023
The Henton Headlines: April 27, 2023

The Henton Headlines: April 20, 2023

April 20, 2023
Here’s the scoop for the week

What Does Hattie say about Reducing Class Size and the influence on student achievement?

Given the discussion about class size at the legislature this session and the MASA Action Alert request on Monday, Dr. Debbra Marcotte, Executive Director of the Hiawatha Valley Education District, shared the following links with me. I recommend opening them for new information you can use, or a quick review if you are already familiar with what John Hattie’s research reveals.

Hattie effect size list - 256 Influences Related To Achievement Reducing class size ranks at 186 out of 252.

Action Alert Results:

Members of both MASBO and MASA received an action alert on Monday to contact their legislators regarding the changes to PELRA and the unemployment insurance unfunded mandate. The result? Almost 1000 emails have been sent to senators and representatives. THANK YOU! 

These letters, signed by the statewide education organizations, were sent this week to Senate Education Finance Chair Kunesh, and House Education Finance Chair Youakim. Feel free to share with your school boards and to use them as talking points for your advocacy efforts.We need all hands on deck.

From AASA: Jed Foundation Focus Group Opportunity:

AASA information on this opportunity follows:

“Want to play a part in helping to design better systems of mental health support for K-12 students? 

AASA and Jed Foundation Focus Group Opportunity are looking for K-12 superintendents, principals, teachers, and school mental health staff to share their experience with student mental health. 

Your participation will help inform evidence-based, first-of-its-kind programming for improved and sustainable mental health support for students” 

Leadership Matters!


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Detailed information may be found at and the MASA Calendar


World Autism Awareness Month | Financial Literacy Month (#MySavingsStory #FinancialLiteracyMonth #FinLitMonth) | Counseling Awareness Month (#CounselorsHelp) | School Library Month | National Internship Awareness Month | Mathematics Awareness Month | National Volunteer Month

April 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
April 25 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Part 2
April 26 MASA Master Class: Why Prioritizing Educator Mental Health is Critical to School Culture and Student Success | Noon - 1 pm | Virtual | Registration & Full Info
April 27 Great Start Cohort #7 | Quora Education Center
May 1 MASA/MSHSL Executive Officer Meeting
May 9 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
May 16 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 7 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
May 25 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
June 13 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
June 14 MASA Master Class: Understanding State Aid: Equalization, Ag2School and more | 10 - 11 am | Virtual | Registration coming soon!
June 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 1 - 2:30 pm | Virtual
June 20 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 8 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
August 8 Save the date! MDE Back to School Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW, Brooklyn Park
October 8-10 MASA Fall Conference | DECC, Duluth, MN


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