The Henton Headlines: January 26, 2023
The Henton Headlines: February 9, 2023

The Henton Headlines: February 2, 2023

February 2, 2023
Here’s the scoop for the week

What am I Hearing from MASA Members & How am I responding?

Governor Walz’s budget proposal and the many bills offered in the House and Senate are top of mind for members. Here is just a little of what I am hearing mostly focused on legislation with other items sprinkled in:

  • If universal meals are signed into law, Compensatory Education cannot be negatively impacted. 

I have shared this concern frequently with legislators during individual meetings and often with Commissioner Jett. MDE is actively working on a plan. Initial discussion about what that might look like is promising. 

The solution will likely continue with a plan that decouples aid from Free and Reduced lunch forms using direct certification instead of the forms, and includes funding at or above the forecasted amount. 

More information will come in Governor Walz’s revised budget which is developed following the February forecast and released typically by mid-March. 

  • No more mandates and those already in law need to be funded. 

Each time there is mention of a new mandate, I follow up saying we have too many unfunded mandates already and if we have to have any new mandates, they need to be fully funded. 

  • Direct certification has provided my school district with more Compensatory Education funding than in recent years. 

In conversation with Commissioner Jett and MDE finance staff I have shared that direct certification is working, it needs to continue if universal meals go through, and not all students who qualify for F/R priced lunch are discovered using this method so any plan for Compensatory funding moving forward needs to account for the 10% or so of students not identified through direct certification. 

  • School board renewal of operation levies is a priority.

We have advocated for years for this to happen. Maybe this is the year. In conversation with legislators positive feedback has been received.

  • What is Joe Donovan’s Number?


  • Will Commissioner Jett waive the five days only for e-learning due to inclement weather?

He does not have the authority to do so. In order to change the number of days and for what purpose they might be used, new legislation would need to be passed into law, or the governor would need to issue an executive order. Not hearing that either is going to happen at this time.

  • The special education cross subsidy has to be addressed and now is the time to fully fund special education and to take care of the EL cross subsidy.

Agreed. I continue to advocate for full funding of both cross subsidies. Please  join me in advocating for that request.

  • We need to see an increase of 5% and 5% on the formula and tied to inflation.

Agreed. I continue to advocate for 5% and 5% and future increases tied to inflation. Please join me in advocating for that request.

  • We need to find ways to incentivize people to go into education. 

The Governor’s proposal includes funding for student teachers to get paid while fulfilling this requirement for licensure, grants for higher education and more money for Grow Your Own Programs. 

  • What is going on with LETRS? 

There is a bill to fund training for educators in the science of reading, which might include LETRS, but could include a different professional development product. 

*Related to this question is Literacy Learning for Leaders a new professional development series offered by the U of M you may want to join, or share with your curriculum leaders and teachers. Many great upcoming modules!

Leadership Matters!

“The most valuable contribution of a teacher might not be found in helping a student excel… but in helping a student work through failure.” - Danny Steele Tweet

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Detailed information may be found at and the MASA Calendar

February African American History Month, Career and Technical Education Month, Financial Aid Awareness Month
February 6 - 10 National School Counseling Week
February 7 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
February 7 MASA Master Class: Filling school nursing gaps through telemedicine with Avel eCare | 12 noon - 1 pm | Register
February 8 MASA Master Class: Filling school nursing gaps through telemedicine with Avel eCare | 9 - 10 am | Register
February 14 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
February 14 MASA Women's Leadership Network | 9 - 10 am | Register
February 15 MASA/MASE Spring Conference Early Bird Registration Fee Ends!
February 16-23 AASA NCE | San Antonio, TX
February 17 MN State Breakfast at AASA NCE | San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter | 7:30 - 8:30 am | RSVP Here
February 21 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 4 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
February 21 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
February 22 School Tax Elections: Planning for Success in 2023 | 8 am - 3:45 pm | Quora Education Center | Registration
February 23 MASA Master Class: Prioritize, Stabilize and Accelerate Success (Part 2) | 10 - 11 am | Registration
February 27 - March 3 Public Schools Week
February 27 MASA/MSHSL Executive Officers Meeting
February 27 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
March Women's History Month
March 3 Employee Appreciation Day
March 6 MASA Women's Leadership Network | 9 - 10 am | Register
March 7 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
March 8 Great Start Cohort #6 | Finance Academy #3 | Minneapolis Marriott NW
March 8 MASA Board of Director's Meeting | Minneapolis Marriott NW | 11 am - 4 pm
March 9-10 MASA/MASE Spring Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW | Registration
March 14 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
March 20 Save the Date! MASA/MSBA Day at the Capitol | 8 am | Radisson Hotel, formerly the Best Western Capitol Ridge
March 21 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
March 21 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 5 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
March 23 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
April 4 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
April 11 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
April 11 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 6 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
April 11 MASA Nominations Committee Meeting | Quora Education Center | 12 - 1:30 pm
April 13 MASA Women's Leadership Network | 9 - 10 am | Register
April 13 MASA Foundation Board Meeting | Quora Education Center | 11 am - 1 pm
April 18 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
April 19 MASA Executive Development Committee Meeting | Virtual
April 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
April 25 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Part 2
April 27 Great Start Cohort #7 | Quora Education Center
May 1 MASA/MSHSL Executive Officer Meeting
May 9 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
May 16 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 7 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
May 25 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
June 13 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
June 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 1 - 2:30 pm | Virtual
June 20 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 8 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
August 8 Save the date! MDE Back to School Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW, Brooklyn Park


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