The Henton Headlines: January 19, 2022
The Henton Headlines: February 2, 2023

The Henton Headlines: January 26, 2023

January 26, 2023
Here’s the scoop for the week

Special Education Cross Subsidy Talking Points and Elevator Speech:

Members of MASE and MASA have worked together to create this document that is designed to help you in your conversations about the cross subsidy with legislators and community members. An “elevator speech” is included. Feel free to use and share.

Governor Walz Complete Budget Proposal & School District Runs:

The governor’s full budget proposal was released on January 24. We will let you know when school district runs are available.

Headed to the Capitol?

Three friendly reminders-

  1. Continue to advocate for MASA’s top two priorities: 5% per year increase to the basic formula and links future increases to inflation, and full funding of the Special Education cross subsidy. The governor’s proposal is only a starting point!
  2. The Senate Office Building, State Office Building and Capitol are all open to the public. 
  3. Bring a copy of the MASA platform with you to share with your representatives and a copy of the Special Education Cross Subsidy Talking Points linked in the first headline above for your reference.

“Together We Make a Difference” Culminates in Conference at Park Center HS:

Over 750 students from 75 high schools attended the conference on January 13 at Park Center High School. A shout out to Osseo Area Schools Superintendent Cory McIntyre and his staff who helped ready the facility for the event and staff it throughout the day. The conference was a result of the combined efforts of the MSHSL, MASSP, AMSD, MASA, MSBA, MNIAAA, and the MSHSCA, with the MSHSL taking the lead on the nearly year-long effort to gather student voice on how to eliminate racial incidents at activities. 

The Paula Forbes Group facilitated regional conversations with students prior to the conference and engaged them in activities during their final meeting at Park Center. We look forward to the results of this effort and are grateful to all students, coaches, activities directors, principals, superintendents, and others who supported the initiative.

Fun Fact!

There are roughly 95 superintendents who have three years or fewer experience as a superintendent. That’s a lot of new leaders!

Leadership Matters!

“Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow.” - John C. Maxwell

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Detailed information may be found at and the MASA Calendar

January 2023 National Mentoring Month (#MentoringMonth, #MentorIRL) | Thank You Month
January 31 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Part 1
February African American History Month, Career and Technical Education Month, Financial Aid Awareness Month
February 6 - 10 National School Counseling Week
February 7 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
February 14 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
February 14 MASA Women's Leadership Network | 9 - 10 am | Register
February 16-23 AASA NCE | San Antonio, TX
February 17 MN State Breakfast at AASA NCE | San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter | 7:30 - 8:30 am | RSVP Here
February 21 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 4 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
February 21 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
February 22 School Tax Elections: Planning for Success in 2023 | 8 am - 3:45 pm | Quora Education Center | Registration
February 23 MASA Master Class: Prioritize, Stabilize and Accelerate Success (Part 2) | 10 - 11 am | Registration
February 27 - March 3 Public Schools Week
February 27 MASA/MSHSL Executive Officers Meeting
February 27 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
March Women's History Month
March 3 Employee Appreciation Day
March 6 MASA Women's Leadership Network | 9 - 10 am | Register
March 7 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
March 8 Great Start Cohort #6 | Finance Academy #3 | Minneapolis Marriott NW
March 8 MASA Board of Director's Meeting | Minneapolis Marriott NW | 11 am - 4 pm
March 9-10 MASA/MASE Spring Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW
March 14 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
March 20 Save the Date! MASA/MSBA Day at the Capitol | 8 am | Radisson Hotel, formerly the Best Western Capitol Ridge
March 21 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
March 21 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 5 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
March 23 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
April 4 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
April 11 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
April 11 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 6 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
April 11 MASA Nominations Committee Meeting | Quora Education Center | 12 - 1:30 pm
April 13 MASA Women's Leadership Network | 9 - 10 am | Register
April 13 MASA Foundation Board Meeting | Quora Education Center | 11 am - 1 pm
April 18 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Virtual Session
April 19 MASA Executive Development Committee Meeting | Virtual
April 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
April 25 Leading with Excellence and Equity, Part 2
April 27 Great Start Cohort #7 | Quora Education Center
May 1 MASA/MSHSL Executive Officer Meeting
May 9 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
May 16 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 7 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
May 25 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 9-10:30 am | Virtual
June 13 BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting | 7:30 - 8:30 am | Virtual
June 20 MASA Instructional Leadership Network | 1 - 2:30 pm | Virtual
June 20 Professional Dialogue with Dr. Brenda Cassellius | Session 8 | 9 - 10 am | Virtual
August 8 Save the date! MDE Back to School Conference | Minneapolis Marriott NW, Brooklyn Park


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